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Pre-hospital Research

Prehospital Research in Ireland is on a dramatic upward slope. Research is no longer perceived to be the realm of dusty old library’s and academic purists. We are now in the era of tech savvy, research hungry, evidence based prehospital practitioners who’s appetite for home grown high quality research is gaining momentum year after year. These practitioners are comfortable treating patients in a rollover RTC at 3am and still showing up for Journal Club Meetings at 7am before they knock off their night shift. This combination of clinical ability and academic respect is leading us to a bright future in prehospital care in Ireland.


This year the NAS is delighted to announce the launch of a dedicated Research Committee which has been developed to ensure that research projects supported by the NAS adhere to correct governance procedures. NAS also wants to ensure that research outputs are optimised and lead to the betterment of patient care. The NAS research committee undertakes to assess all proposed research projects involving NAS data or NAS personnel to ensure that the proposals can be delivered, are worth the time, energy and cost and that the results are translated into meaningful outcomes for patients and staff at NAS. NAS encourages collaborative research projects with other organizations, universities and researchers. It is expected that at least one approved NAS employee is included as a co-investigator for projects requiring significant use of NAS data or NAS staff. For those of you interested in becoming involved in research and have a research project in mind it is highly recommended that prior to formulating and submitting a research project proposal that you contact a member of the research committee to describe and discuss what it is you are trying to achieve. The research committee member will advise on how feasible the project is and suggest key individuals to liaise with in advance of formally applying for research committee approval. The following are the key criteria which the NAS research committee will assess projects on:


  1. The benefits and knowledge arising from the research
  2. The research fits with NAS strategic direction
  3. Operational impacts to NAS
  4. Existence of funding/potential funding for the research
  5. Credentials or technical competence of the researchers
  6. Risk to NAS in relation to conducting the research
  7. Opportunities to NAS in relation to conducting the research
  8. Ethics committee approval (if applicable)


For further information please see the National Ambulance Service Research Committee Terms of Reference and Application Form below or email